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Setup SenseOn Threat Alerts to your Slack Workspace

This guide will take you through the steps for setting up SenseOn Threat Alerting to channels in your slack workspace.


  1. Choose where you want the alerts sent
  2. Create an app in your slack workspace
  3. Send information to SenseOn

Step 1 - Choose where in Slack you want to send SenseOn Threat Alerts

  1. If you want to send SenseOn Threat Alerts to an existing channel you can move straight to Step 2.
  2. If you want to send SenseOn Threat Alerts to a new channel you will need to setup that channel before proceeding to Step 2.

Step 2 - Create an app in your slack workspace

  1. Go to
  2. Select Create New App. Slack Create App Button
  3. Select From scratch Slack Create App From Scratch
  4. Choose an App Name such as 'SenseOn Security Alerts' and choose your Workspace and then Create App. Slack Create App Name
  5. (Optional) - If you want to add an alerting icon or change the background colour go to Basic Information and scroll to the bottom of the page. Here you can add an icon from google image search and configure its background colour. Slack Display Information for App
  6. Under Features click on Incoming Webhooks and slide to toggle on Slack Activate Incoming Webhook
  7. At the bottom of the page press Add New Webhook to Workspace Add new webhook button
  8. Select the channel where the alerts will be sent and Allow Select channel for Slack integration
  9. Test your integration by copying Sample curl request to post to a channel into terminal and hitting enter.
  10. Copy Webhook URL details to somewhere safe - This Webhook URL is the information required by SenseOn to send you threat alerts.

Step 3 - Add webhook details to SenseOn

  1. Login to the SenseOn platform and go to Settings -> Notification
  2. Click Add an item and enter the webhook URL SenseOn add slack notification to UI
  3. Press Save 1 change and press Accept All in the popup SenseOn save URL webhook URL
  4. Press Send test notification to confirm the integration is working. SenseOn send test notification

    💡 Note: Once set up this SenseOn Threat Alert will notify you when any high priority case is raised.