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Deployment via PDQ

This guide will cover the necessary steps to deploy the SenseOn Universal Sensor using PDQ.

⚠ Note: Make sure the SenseOn MSI and the install key (senseon_install.txt) are on the PDQ Deploy server before starting.

Step 1: Create installation package

Open PDQ Deploy and press one of the boxes highlighted in red to create a new installation package. Create package in PDQ

Under properties, name the package SenseOn. Set package name in PDQ

Now we need to define the installation steps for the package. The first step will involve copying the install key to the correct location. Press Steps and then File Copy. Step to copy package in PDQ

Now we need to define the location where the install key will be saved. Select the source file which you have already downloaded to the PDQ Server and make sure it is called senseon_install.txt and then change the target folder to %SystemRoot%\Temp Define source and target in PDQ

Once the install key has been saved to the correct location we need to run the installer. Right click Add a new step in the left window and select Install. Create new step in PDQ

Change the Install file to point to the MSI which we have already downloaded to the PDQ server. Install file

That completes the steps to create an installation package.

Step 2: Deploy package to target systems

After creating the installation package, we need to define which systems to install it on. PDQ refers to these as Targets. To do this right click on the installation package and select Deploy Once. PDQ deploy once step

Then, select the target systems, which would commonly be an Active Directory Group or OU. Select targets in PDQ

Select your targets and choose the option to Deploy Now.

The deployment will then execute taking about a minute to complete. Deployment status in PDQ

Step 3: Verify deployment status

Target hosts should start appearing in the SenseOn platform in less than a minute after the installation completes. They will be under Digital Estate -> Devices View device deployment

❓ Need help: If the installation has not been successful please confirm that TLS interception is no taking place, if it is you will need to allow list * Then contact our support team for additional help.