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Deployment with Microsoft Intune

This guide covers the necessary steps to deploy the SenseOn Universal Sensor to Windows devices using Microsoft Intune.

1. SenseOn Windows Agent Packaging Process for Endpoint Manager

There are a number of stages required to package the Windows Agent for Endpoint Manager (EPM) as follows:

  • Download the SenseOn Endpoint Agent MSI installer file and the installation key file.
  • Create batch script to run the required install commands
  • Create an install package in the IntuneWin file format required for EPM
  • Endpoint Manager App Package Creation - import the package into EPM and Configure correctly (including Azure configuration)
  • Test if installed and running

2. Download the Endpoint Agent MSI Installer and Installation Key File

  • Step 1: Log into the SenseOn platform
  • Step 2: Navigate to Settings > Endpoint Agent Software
  • Step 3: Download the install key file and save it to a temporary location on your PC
  • Step 4: Download the latest version of the MSI installer and place it in the same location intune1

3. Create Install Batch Script

  1. Create a new folder underneath C:\Temp called SenseOn (for example). intune2
  2. Move both downloaded files into the SenseOn folder.

3.1 Create Install.cmd

  1. Open Notepad and enter the text below. If copying from this document, make sure that all quotation marks are straight quotes and not smart (sometimes called ‘curly’) quotes.

    cd /d %~dp0
    if not exist "%SystemRoot%\Temp" md "%SystemRoot%\Temp"
    xcopy "senseon_install.txt" "%SystemRoot%\Temp" /C /Y
    msiexec /i "SEE-6.8.3.msi" /qn /norestart

    ⚠ Note: If the key file you downloaded is not called senseon_install.txt then rename the highlighted section of the third line of code above to reflect the correct name for your key file. Additionally make sure that if the MSI installer file you downloaded is a different version than SEE-6.8.3.msi then rename the line in the fourth line of code above to reflect the correct name for your MSI file.

  2. Save the Install Script

    • In Notepad, select File > Save As…
    • Browse to C:\Temp\SenseOn
    • Change the Save as type drop down list to All Files
    • Enter the File name as "Install.cmd" (including the quote marks)
    • Click Save and then close Notepad


4. Create an Install Package

We create an install package in the format required by Endpoint Manager using a tool downloaded from Microsoft.

Go here to download the Microsoft Win32 Content Prep tool:

Click on IntuneWinAppUtil.exe and then on the next screen click on Download and save the file to C:\Temp.


4.1 Run the Content Prep Tool

Step 1: Open a Command Prompt

  • Click on the Windows Start button
  • Type cmd
  • Click on Command Prompt (Run as Administrator option should not be required)


Step 2: Change location to C:\Temp and enter DIR to confirm the prep tool and required content folder are available.


Step 3: Run the Prep Tool

  • Run: IntuneWinApptool.exe
    • Enter source folder: C:\Temp\SenseOn
    • Enter setup file (change to current release): SEE-6.8.3.msi
    • Specify output folder: C:\Temp
    • Specify catalog folder: N
  • Install package will now be created in the C:\Temp folder and the name of the IntuneWin file will be based on the name of the specified MSI file.

⚠ Note: If the version of the SenseOn sensor you are packaging is different from the above, change the name of the MSI file in the above.



Step 4: The IntuneWin package file can now be imported into Endpoint Manager to allow it to be deployed to machines.

5. Endpoint Manager App Package Creation

Azure Portal Group Creation

If not already done so, a group needs to be created in Azure that will contain machines that the package is to be deployed to. If this has already been done, skip to the next section.

Step 1: Log into your Azure Portal with an account that has rights to create groups in Azure Active Directory.

Step 2: Navigate to Azure Active Directory > Groups and select New Group

Step 3: Name the group appropriately as per your company naming conventions and create, making sure to set the Membership type option as required




5.1 App Package Creation

Log into the Endpoint Manager Portal with an account that has the required rights to manage Intune, or Global Administrator rights.

Step 1: Go to Apps > Windows and then select Add



Step 2: Select Windows app (Win32) from the drop-down list and then click on Select


Step 3: Select app package file

  • Click on Select app package file
  • Click on Select a file
  • Browse to the IntuneWin file you created, select it and click Open, then click OK



Step 4: Configure App Information

  • Change the name to: SenseOn Windows Agent
    • Description – change the description by clicking on Edit Description
    • Set Publisher: SenseOn
    • App Version – should have been added automatically
    • Click Next

Step 5: Configure Program

  • Install command - change to: Install.cmd
  • Uninstall command – will be added automatically, but make sure it ends with the /qn /norestart flags:
    • msiexec /x "{ADAF8343-1F18-4484-A8FD-F6EEB7C09FF5}" /qn /norestart
  • Device restart behaviour: No specific action

  • Click Next

⚠ Note: If you have a different version of the MSI, then the Product Code between the "{ }" will be different to that shown above.


Step 6: Requirements

  • Operating system architecture: 64-bit
  • Minimum operation system – select a level here, suggest Windows 10 1903 (you may need to specify a later version in order to support Windows 11).
  • Click Next

Step 7: Detection Rules

  • Rules format: Manually configure detection rules
  • Type – click on Add


  • Rule type: File
  • Path: C:\Program Files\senseon-see
  • File Or Folder: senseon-agent.exe
  • Detection method: File or folder exists


Step 8: Dependencies

  • Click Next

Step 9: Supersedence (preview)

  • Click Next

Step 10: Assignments

  • Under the Required section, click Add group


  • Enter the name of the group you previously created in the Azure Portal, then click Select.
  • The group should now show as being assigned – any members of this group will get the app deployed to them.


  • Click Next

Step 11: Review and create

⚠ Note:after the next steps, do NOT click elsewhere in the Endpoint Manager console until the application package has uploaded completely as otherwise you may have deployment issues.

  • Click Create
  • Click on the Notifications icon in the top right corner of the window


  • Once the upload finished notification appears, it is safe to click elsewhere in the console.


6. Confirming Agent Installed on Test device

Once Endpoint Manager reports that the app is installed, there are some checks that can be done on a client device to confirm the agent is installed and running.


6.1 Check Installed Programs

  • Click Start and search for add or remove, then open Add or remove programs.
  • In the list of installed programs, look for an entry called SEE


6.2 Check Running Services

  • Click Start and search for services, then open Services.
  • In the list of Services, look for an entry called Sesenon-seed, check that it is Running and set to Automatic intune26
  • If the Senseon-seed service is not running, report this to SenseOn, including the hostname of the affected device.